- Details:
- Written by Deward Knapp
- Category: Menu Items
- Hits: 24649
Contractorsyoucantrust.com Web Development
We are always available to assist our Proud Members with their Online Presence
Typically included, but not limited to:
- Domain Registration or Transfer of ownership (to the business owner)
- Email Setup for local machines and mobile devices
- Google Analytics - setup and weekly PDF report sent via email
- Google Places verification and content setup
- Current site migration (where applicable)
FREE hosting for Proud Members of Contractorsyoucantrust.com!
- Ask about YouTube. CYCT will shoot, edit, and publish video campaigns for your business. We have individual, weekly, monthly, annual, and seasonal options available depending on your business. Be the first in your market with long-tail keyword video results.
In addition to Contractors, we also create sites for other clients:
- Business Owners
- Personal Websites
- Hobby-ists
There are three levels of CYCT's web development:
Basic 5-page WordPress, Hosted, Professional Site focused on Blogging
- $750-$2500
Powerful WordPress or Joomla sites, 5 to 10 pages
Our specialty for contractors and business owners.
- $2000-$3000
eCommerce sites with dedicated IP, SSL (may include Extended Validation with green, secure address bar)
- $3000+
- Details:
- Written by Deward Knapp
- Category: Menu Items
- Hits: 3656
Contractors considering membership should first become familiar with our Member Requirements Page.
Application for Membership is $250*
Once you complete this Form, you will receive three emails:
1. Automated completion email sent from our server
2. Personal email from the president of Contractorsyoucantrust.com
3. Electronic Invoice for the application fee (which must be paid before your application review begins)
*There are no refunds unless your company does not qualify.
- Details:
- Written by Deward Knapp
- Category: Menu Items
- Hits: 3338
Why it Works
- Unfortunately, the reputation of residential contractors has been clouded by media coverage showing homeowners being taken advantage of by contractors.
- Contractorsyoucantrust.com operates with the purpose of identifying qualified, legitimate, experienced, professional, trustworthy contractors who bring to the table the necessary credentials to ultimately eliminate many of the questions homeowners have prior to hiring a contractor. Once the contractor is fully qualified they are allowed to present their business via Contractorsyoucantrust.com.
- Simply stated, Contractorsyoucantrust.com is a Free Service for consumers offering a ”comfort level of trust” to homeowners by providing details about our Proud Members, including direct contact information for the appropriate contractor when the need arises.
- Contractorsyoucantrust.com is NOT the phone book or a generic, purchased web-list; we have elected to establish a higher standard for our premium, socially-integrated community.
- Contractorsyoucantrust.com does NOT sell leads or provide your personal information to anybody to solicit homeowners (read Privacy Statement and Terms of Service). The consumer is in control. When you find a contractor you want to speak with, Contractorsyoucantrust.com never interferes with your ability to contact them directly.
- Contractorsyoucantrust.com users are better educated, informed, and are guaranteed to find a trustworthy contractor within our membership. We stand behind our professional membership directly with the home owner.